Confrontation is hard. While you may be able to avoid a difficult conversation for a while, it eventually becomes inevitable.
And, if you really think about it, avoiding confrontation is solely out of fear. Fear of what? It could be fear of ending a relationship, fear of making a mistake, fear of failure…the list goes on. But isn’t communication the way we try to solve problems? And if a problem is causing this much strife, it’s probably in your best interest to fix it…
So my colleagues and I at AcceleratingCFO have a question for you: what if you had the courage to approach the difficult conversation with a new perspective?
Well, for starters, you’d reduce the amount of stress you’ve accumulated building up the inevitable. Think about how much time you spend determining the many ways a conversation could go in your mind (Here’s a hint: a lot). But if you were able to jump right in and address the situation, you would not only save a heck of a lot of time, but you would also save a boatload of wasted energy.
In addition, the problem at hand is causing you harm. And not just mentally: you may not even realize, but the problem also affects you on an emotional and physical level. So it’s in your best interest to confront the situation now rather than later…
Plus, when you do approach the person or problem, you’ll at least start searching for a solution. And remember, being active is always better than being passive. So be direct and speak your mind. There’s no point bottling up what’s irritating you – especially if it’s a serious issue. Work through the problem when it arises and you’ll be a happier, healthier, and stronger person.
If you can be the bigger person and problem solve proactively, you’ll improve your well-being and current situation, as well as your future. And at AcceleratingCFO, we trust that you can get through the “bad” to make your way towards the good.