Category: Efficiency

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

As we pass the anniversary of the current pandemic's onset, improvements and positive signs are more frequent. Businesses are returning to normal operating levels of reven...

What are CFOs Thinking About in 2021?

Now that we have put 2020 behind us and are focused on our growth opportunities in 2021, it is important that entrepreneurs and small businesses implement specific strateg...

Another Kobe Bryant Article

As I am sure you're aware, earlier this year, Kobe Bryant and eight others perished in a terrible helicopter accident. There are countless articles about Kobe Bryant and h...

Insurance is the New Black

The beginning of the new year always marks fresh starts and a clean slate in both our personal and professional lives.There are many components of your business to revie...

Business partner or Support function?

by Nabeel Chohan, AcceleratingCFO Consultant (UK) Nabeel has extensive experience in management of financial reporting for global organizations, primarily within tec...

Does Non-Profit Mean No Profit?

Most non-profit organizations have a mission statement that lends itself to making the world a better place. What many non-profits are learning is that, although making a...

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