Tag: AcceleratingCFO

A Look Back, with Gratitude

As 2021 draws to a close, and as we commence with our annual budgeting process with our clients, this is a great time for all of us to reflect on blessings and express gra...

How Flexible is Your Business?

Everybody who regularly reads our blogs knows that we are big sports fans — and often speak in sports puns. There’s a strategy used in football — Bend, but d...

Does Non-Profit Mean No Profit?

Most non-profit organizations have a mission statement that lends itself to making the world a better place. What many non-profits are learning is that, although making a...

Give Your Accountant a Little Love!

While perusing our favorite CPA magazine (as if there is such a thing!), we read an interesting article about hiring trends in the accounting industry and the number of ne...

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