Tag: Leadership

Summer Reading Checklist

Every year since we began writing this blog, we have shared summer reading (and listening) recommendations. Summertime calls us to take some time to relax by the water, so...

Be Prepared, Yesterday

There is a wise, old Chinese proverb: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.   What does planting a tree have to do with g...

Building Blocks of Success

Author and good friend of AcceleratingCFO , Dorie Clark, is releasing a new book this fall. Brian is in the process of reading a pre-released version of it (more to come ...

How To Get Your Teammates To Speak Up

An engaged team is more motivated, more proactive, and more productive. But we know this . As a financial services company , we think high engagement levels at the offic...

Ramping Up to the Next Level

Raising money is an art, not a science. As entrepreneurs grow their businesses, they ultimately hit an inflection point where initial investments from family and friends a...

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