In an extraordinary career spanning over four decades, Jack Kliger has managed and reshaped some of the world’s most influential and iconic magazines, including Glamo...
In a recent presentation, Brian and fellow panelists discussed important and necessary steps that business owners who are looking to sell must consider. For those who want...
I always joke with my wife and kids that my decades-old-clothes (some might say vintage ) are now back in style. In my mind, I think I am a fashion visionary — in r...
In an extraordinary career spanning over thirty-five years, Jack Kliger has managed and reshaped some of the world’s most influential and iconic magazines, including Gl...
In light of whispers about potential tax changes that will make the sale of businesses more expensive in the not-so-distant future, many business owners are looking at pot...
In the SMB community, the environment for acquiring and selling businesses is starting to rejuvenate. Usually entrepreneurs fall into two categories: a) leaders that are w...
In this age of texting and social media, who doesn’t love a good acronym? YOLO, TMI, ROTFL — the list is endless. However, there is one acronym in particular that ofte...
Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for — and I mean this in the kindest of ways. A prime example of this is when entrepreneurs get an interested investor to ...